Anagram: Slapping Idiots??/Is Pops Dilating??

       That wasn’t the initial anagram I was gonna go with for “slapping Idiots”.  Dialing Pisspot was the first Option, but I didn’t want a million people finding me looking for Either Dialing or Pisspot, seeing how this post is about neither.    Mind you Pops dilating might get some odd ones as well… No worries tho.  🙂

       On to Politics.

    It seems that Sarah Palin, once the subject of sharp criticism and barbs, has become a non-person as far as the Democratic party is concerned.  Barack Obama has pretty much dropped the thought of attacking her completely, focusing instead on John McCain and the message that McCain is Out of touch. 

     THAT’S what I’m talking about.  If you want to hit the Republicans, hit them where they are strongest, their leadership and their leaders, Those being George Bush and John McCain.  Think about it.  Why the hell would you WANT to attack the number two, leaving the number one person on the ticket free to do as he wishes?  Palin has the chance to be Number 2, not number one, focusing all this attention on her has helped obfuscate the issue here, which is that John McCain is BAD FOR AMERICA.  The best she will be able to do is break ties in the senate.  That’s what V.P.’S do.  Have you seen any real vitriol against Joe Biden? The man brought strength and leadership to the table that the republicans said Obama didn’t have.  Why no MAJOR attacks on him? Because, he’s their number 2!  You don’t expend your best on number 2! That just won’t work, and it’s good to see that The Dems have finally figured it out. 

    Oh, not to mention every time they mention her, the Republicans attack the Dems, saying there sexist or some such bullshit.  Now, I don’t mind fighting the Republicans, but it makes no sense to fight them WHEN AND HOW THEY CHOOSE.  That is a great way to lose the battle against them.  The Democratic leadership needs to Dictate the pace of this battle, and the best way to do that is to Take it to John McCain.

    Palin is a distraction.  Why do you think they chose her? She has a lot to distract with.  And I don’t mean her sagging tits either.  Her record is horrible, she’s an idiot who doesn’t know her ass from her elbow.  She’ll shoot herself in the foot eventually.  Actually she began that process already.  The Gibson Interview was wonderful, it showed her in her true light. As the ultimate lightweight. She hasn’t met a talking point she doesn’t like.  As far as Palin goes, I have but one more word to say about her here.


    Why, oh Why, my people, is this happening?  The FBI is getting a great deal more latitude in dealing with internal threats with new rules that are being put in place.  Quoting the Los Angeles Times story:    

The Justice Department is finalizing rules that would allow FBI agents to solicit informants and use other new techniques to bolster the agency’s intelligence-gathering operation in the United States, officials said Friday.

The changes would expand rules the department enacted after the Sept. 11 attacks that permitted the FBI to conduct “assessments” of threats of terrorism and espionage even in instances where little or no proof existed of criminal activity.

       Now tell me again why the republicans are leading in the polls, when they can Legislate this Kinda shit into action? Yes….I understand there are democrats that had a hand in it as well, but the vast majority DON’T aid and abet the republicans, and no one who calls himself a Democrat wants to see our freedoms crushed like this.

      oh wait…the really Juicy quote here, The real MEAT of why this is wrong is that they can and will investigate based on race and ethnicity. 

  Yep, you got that right. Brian Roehrkasse says that it simply “not responsible to say that race may never be taken into account when conducting an investigation”

  Oof.  A Dubya appointee giving Carte Blanche to go after Brown people.  Directly from the JUSTICE department.  We HAVE to go after terrorists. We HAVE to kill them.  Wish Dubya would go after Bin Laden.  But he won’t.  Republicans LOVE terrorists, they scare the electorate into voting for Republicans.  Back to the point though, that doesn’t mean we should set it up where we can go after our OWN PEOPLE if the government wants to.  THAT’S BULLSHIT!!

      My last Video for awhile starring Sarah Palin.  let’s play spot the Bullshit…Oh wait, the whole answer she gives is bullshit:  

That’s it for me!  Later!

Today’s Nuggets, from Woodrow Wilson, Via Wikiquote: Most men are individuals no longer so far as their business, its activities, or its moralities are concerned. They are not units but fractions; with their individuality and independence of choice in matters of business they have lost all their individual choice within the field of morals.

No country can afford to have its prosperity originated by a small controlling class. The treasury of America lies in those ambitions, those energies, that cannot be restricted to a special favored class. It depends upon the inventions of unknown men, upon the originations of unknown men, upon the ambitions of unknown men. Every country is renewed out of the ranks of the unknown, not out of the ranks of those already famous and powerful and in control.

One thought on “Anagram: Slapping Idiots??/Is Pops Dilating??

  1. No more interviews for Sarah Palin – too many weird questions. The Bush Doctrine, wtf would that be.
    No, she is the protagonist of a “bad Disney Movie”.

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